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      Will Current Electric Vehicle Policy Lead to Cost-Effective Electrification of Passenger Car Transport?
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      Will Current Electric Vehicle Policy Lead to Cost-Effective Electrification of Passenger Car Transport?

      Green Energy and Technology

      Encouraged by the falling cost of batteries, electric vehicle (EV) policy today focuses on accelerating electrification of passenger cars, paying comparatively little attention to the cost of the particular type of EVs and charging infrastructure deployed. This chapter first discusses…

      Marcello Contestabile, Mohammed Alajaji

      The unstudied barriers to widespread renewable energy deployment: Fossil fuel price responses

      The unstudied barriers to widespread renewable energy deployment: Fossil fuel price responses

      Energy Policy

      Renewable energy policy focuses on supporting the deployment of renewable power generators so as to reduce their costs through scale economies and technological learning. It is expected that, once cost parity with fossil fuel generation is achieved, a transition towards…

      Edward Foster, Marcello Contestabile, بالتازار مانزانو, Mark Workman, Nilay Shah

      Will current EV and charging infrastructure policy lead to cost-effective electrification of passenger car transport?
      مستقبل النقل والطلب على الوقود

      Will current EV and charging infrastructure policy lead to cost-effective electrification of passenger car transport?

      EVS 2016 - 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium

      Governments around the world are seeking to expedite the electrification of passenger cars. Due to the particular policy approaches taken and market conditions, different mixes of BEVs and PHEVs and of rapid and slow public charging infrastructure are starting to…

      Marcello Contestabile, Mohammed Alajaji