• مجالات التركيز الإنتاجية والتنويع الاقتصادي الإنتاجية والتنويع الاقتصادي
  • النوع ملخص ورشة عمل
  • التاريخ 6 فبراير 2015


Energy productivity, at the national level, has emerged as a valuable indicator for a number of reasons. It accommodates economic growth, linking energy use to gross domestic product. It is more than conceptually tied to energy efficiency; seen by policymakers as a solution to a wide range of energy -related issues. It captures both the energy saved through profitable energy efficiency improvements and the ensuing economic benefits, including higher economic growth and employment. This makes it useful to both OECD and non-OECD countries, despite their sometimes divergent energy policy agendas

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