• مجالات التركيز الإنتاجية والتنويع الاقتصادي الإنتاجية والتنويع الاقتصادي
  • النوع دراسة
  • التاريخ 26 أكتوبر 2016


MEGIR – Model with Energy, Growth and Intergenerational Redistribution – investigates the long-run implications for growth and equity across generations of different energy policies. It is the first general equilibrium model with overlapping generations to be developed and applied for energy policy analysis in the Arabian Peninsula. The version presented here is parameterized on Saudi data. It is a new and thoroughly revised version of the model developed for western countries by Gonand and Jouvet (2015). It is designed specifically for the economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, particularly insofar as it incorporates an oil-exporting sector and public finances benefiting massively and directly from oil exports.

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