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عرض جميع الإصدارات ‬‪نوبويوكي
  • ورقة مؤتمر
Potential of Various Renewable Energy and its Introduction Policy in Southeast Asia

Potential of Various Renewable Energy and its Introduction Policy in Southeast Asia

Renewable energy has gained importance and is changing the face of energy business. Introduction of community-based off-grid renewable electricity in developing countries is desirable from the viewpoint of fostering inclusive growth. Southeast Asia provides an ideal ground for demonstration, since the region is endowed with abundant renewable resources as well as a significant need for off-grid electricity. Identified impediments include inadequacies in accumulation of relevant data, management skills, financing and harmonization. Assistance by governments and international institutions such as development banks, coupled with utilizing private sector skills on energy management and novel financing methods are the keys to overcoming them.

31st مارس 2019

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