23 Results

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      Locating EV Charging Stations to Enable Intercity Travel in Saudi Arabia

      Locating EV Charging Stations to Enable Intercity Travel in Saudi Arabia

      Ryan Alyamani, Thomas Gertin

      The development of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure presents a promising pathway to reduce transportation emissions, particularly when integrated with low-carbon energy systems. Given Saudi Arabia’s commitment to sustainable travel initiatives, a clear understanding of the  charging infrastructure required for facilitating…

      Ryan Alyamani Alyamani, Ryan
      Thomas Gertin Thomas Gertin
      03 December 2024
      Behavioral Changes in Household Electricity Consumption from 2015 to 2022

      Behavioral Changes in Household Electricity Consumption from 2015 to 2022

      Abdulelah Darandary, Nader AlKathiri

      Analyzing the distribution of electricity consumption provides a clearer picture of distinct household segments and their behaviors. This approach allows us to identify clusters of low, moderate, and high consumers, offering insight into usage patterns.Such granularity can guide targeted energy-saving…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      02 December 2024
      How the Census-2022 Results Changed the Outlook for Electricity Demand

      How the Census-2022 Results Changed the Outlook for Electricity Demand

      Jeyhun Mikayilov, Raed Al-Mestneer

      This paper aims to address these discrepancies by reestimating an original empirical model of electricity demand using recently revised population data from GaStat (2024). The original model, which was developed by Mikayilov and Darandary (2024), relied on population data from…

      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Raed Al-Mestneer Al-Mestneer, Raed
      25 November 2024
      A Global Hydrogen Future

      A Global Hydrogen Future

      Hydrogen is a significant part of energy conversations because of its scalability, flexibility, and decarbonization potential. Considerable efforts are underway globally to determine the most effective ways to introduce hydrogen into the energy mix. This report—A Global Hydrogen Future—aims to…

      31 October 2024
      Understanding the Role of Renewable Energy in Import Demand for Petrochemicals Is the Prevailing Perception More Imagined Than Real?

      Understanding the Role of Renewable Energy in Import Demand for Petrochemicals Is the Prevailing Perception More Imagined Than Real?

      Fakhri Hasanov, Evar Umeozor, Samar Mohamed

      The prevailing perception is that the transition to renewable energy ­will lead to a decrease in demand for hydrocarbons and petrochemicals. The pre­sent work empirically demonstrates that this common sense may be more imaginary than real: it finds evidence that…

      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Evar Umeozor Umeozor, Evar
      Samar Mohamed Samar Mohamed
      06 October 2024
      Saudi Arabia’s Population Trends: Insights from the 2022 Census Revision
      Models, Data and Tools

      Saudi Arabia’s Population Trends: Insights from the 2022 Census Revision

      Jeyhun Mikayilov, Raghad Alotaibi

      Having ­people as a main focal point of all policies and activities worldwide and at an individual country level sets a responsibility for all countries/institutions to have reliable information on the size, structure, and dynamics of the population that can…

      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Raghad Alotaibi Raghad Alotaibi
      08 September 2024
      Green Jobs and the Saudi Gender Wage Gap: Explained and Unexplained
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Green Jobs and the Saudi Gender Wage Gap: Explained and Unexplained

      Cian Mulligan

      Saudi Arabia has made great strides recently in increasing female labor force participation, reaching the Vision 2030 goal of 30% in late 2020, almost a decade early. With labor force participation achieved, the conversation now turns to labor market outcomes,…

      Cian Mulligan Mulligan, Cian
      01 September 2024
      Measuring Green Jobs in Saudi Arabia: Saudis in Green Occupations
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Measuring Green Jobs in Saudi Arabia: Saudis in Green Occupations

      Cian Mulligan

      This paper offers the first estimate of employment in Saudi Arabia that can be linked to the energy transition. Using a task-based taxonomy devised by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics applied to detailed administrative data on Saudi workers,…

      Cian Mulligan Mulligan, Cian
      11 August 2024
      Nudging Toward Sustainability: Behavioral Interventions in Saudi Arabia’s Residential Electricity Consumption

      Nudging Toward Sustainability: Behavioral Interventions in Saudi Arabia’s Residential Electricity Consumption

      Abdulelah Darandary, Hossa Almutairi

      Residential energy consumption is responsible for significant global energy consumption and associated emissions. As a result, households are a prime focus for behavior-modifying interventions. Household energy conservation can be achieved through changes in consumption patterns and investments in energy-efficient products,…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      08 July 2024
      Decarbonizing Saudi Arabia’s Residential Sector: Designing Behavioral Interventions for Efficient and Sustainable Energy Consumption
      Models, Data and Tools

      Decarbonizing Saudi Arabia’s Residential Sector: Designing Behavioral Interventions for Efficient and Sustainable Energy Consumption

      Hossa Almutairi, Fateh Belaïd, Abdulelah Darandary

      There is a consensus in the literature regarding the significant role of behavioral change in reducing the level of residential energy consumption. However, there is an ongoing debate concerning the most effective mechanisms and instruments with which to promote energy-efficient…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Fateh Belaïd Belaïd, Fateh
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      24 June 2024
      Projecting Saudi Arabia’s CO2 Dynamic Baselines to 2060: A Multivariate Approach
      Models, Data and Tools

      Projecting Saudi Arabia’s CO2 Dynamic Baselines to 2060: A Multivariate Approach

      The Energy Journal

      Using an econometric model, we generate scenario projections of CO2 emissions under different sets of assumptions on the underlying drivers. These drivers include GDP, the energy price, economic structure, and the underlying emissions trend. Our baseline scenario projects that Saudi…

      Abdulelah Darandary, Anwar Gasim, Lester C. Hunt, Jeyhun Mikayilov

      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation

      Fatih Karanfil, Axel Pierru

      The selection of welfare-enhancing projects necessitates the determination of the present value of cash flows from a public policy perspective. For an oil-exporting economy, the domestic energy transition often implies displacing oil from domestic consumption. Economic dependence on oil affects…

      Fatih Karanfil Karanfil, Fatih
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      05 June 2024
      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms

      Sage Journals

      We assess the extent to which the implementation of Vision 2030 policies enhances the Saudi economy’s resilience to oil shocks. Using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that captures the country’s economic diversification policies, we build a resilience index based…

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, Baltasar Manzano, Marzio Galeotti

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, James L. Smith

      This paper examines the type and quality of information that OPEC needs to stabilize the oil market. We extend our previous structural model, in which OPEC makes potential mistakes in judging the size of market shocks, to now include the…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      James L. Smith James L. Smith
      28 May 2024
      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      Nader AlKathiri, Abdulelah Darandary

      Using a sample of 94 countries, we analyze the contribution of energy to cross-country economic growth and convergence since 1980. By extending the traditional frontier approach to include energy as an additional factor of production, we decompose economic growth into…

      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      12 May 2024