• Program Transportation & Infrastructure Transportation & Infrastructure
  • Type Discussion paper
  • Date 12 January 2025


The Saudi government has outlined its decarbonization strategy through various statements and reports, identifying key initiatives, preferred technologies, and investment targets to drive this transformation. In this study, we employ Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM) to evaluate the long-term impacts of Saudi Arabia’s commitment to NetZero GHG emissions by 2060, focusing on the road passenger transport sector. This paper explores decarbonization pathways for road passenger transport. It examines the potential transition to alternative vehicle technologies and public transport modes, such as buses and rail, to achieve the NetZero targets.


Yagyavalk Bhatt

Fellow- Transportation & Infrastructure Yagyavalk Bhatt is an energy professional with more than seven years of experience in the transportation and electricity domain. Yagyavalk…

Yagyavalk Bhatt is an energy professional with more than seven years of experience in the transportation and electricity domain. Yagyavalk leads “The Role of Clean Energy Policies: Trends in India’s Transport Sector” project, aimed at estimating India’s transport energy demand and potential impact on crude oil supply chain.

His expertise covers energy policy, energy economics, transport modeling, the impact analysis of transport policies, emerging economies energy transition, renewable energy, and cost-benefit analysis of the transport and electricity sector. He has authored and contributed to numerous research papers and studies related to the transportation and electricity sector.



  • Policy Analysis
  • Transport Demand Modeling
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Clean Energy Transition
  • Renewable Energy
  • Climate Change

Publications See all Yagyavalk Bhatt’s publications

Puneet Kamboj

Lead- Climate & Sustainability Puneet is an lead in the Climate and Sustainability program. Currently, he is working on scenario analysis and deep decarbonization…

Puneet is an lead in the Climate and Sustainability program. Currently, he is working on scenario analysis and deep decarbonization pathways under the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Partnership (CAMP) project at KAPSARC.

Before joining KAPSARC, he worked with Council on Energy, Environment and Water in India where he co-developed the tailored version of Global Change Analysis Model for India (GCAM-India). Prior to CEEW, he has worked with Brookings Institution (India Center) where he co-edited an anthology on the coal sector in India. Across the 18 chapters, drawing from leading experts in the field, the book examines all aspects of coal’s future in India. He has a rich portfolio of published papers, policy briefs and reports. As an independent scholar, he has been writing for the G20, and leading national newspapers. Puneet holds a Master of Technology in renewable energy from TERI University, New Delhi.


  • Integrated Assessment Modelling
  • Climate Change Mitigation
  • Coal Transitions and Transport Economics

Publications See all Puneet Kamboj’s publications

Anvita Arora

Executive Director- Transportation & Infrastructure Anvita is an architect and transport planner whose current areas of research at KAPSARC include smart cities, electric vehicles, and…

Anvita is an architect and transport planner whose current areas of research at KAPSARC include smart cities, electric vehicles, and freight mobility. Before joining the Center in February 2018, she was the managing director and CEO of Innovative Transport Solutions (iTrans), an incubator company of IIT Delhi, where she led over 40 applied research and planning projects for 10 years for clients ranging from city level and country level authorities to funding agencies including the UNEP, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and DFID. Supporting cities to become sustainable, inclusive and climate resilient was the primary focus of the work. She was also the India Resident Representative for the Bicycle Partnership Program of the Interface for Cycling Expertise (I-CE), the Netherlands, for four years.

Anvita has been teaching transport planning in the Urban Design Department of the School of Planning and Architecture in Delhi for the past 12 years and was visiting faculty at the TERI University, Delhi. She was also associated with the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Program (TRIPP) at IIT Delhi, a Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) Centre of Excellence, for nearly 12 years.


  • Low carbon transport
  • Energy efficient mobility systems
  • Climate resilient urban planning
  • Inclusive and equitable cities

Publications See all Anvita Arora’s publications

Mohamad Hejazi

Executive Director- Climate & Sustainability Mohamad Hejazi is the executive director for the Climate and Sustainability Program at KAPSARC. He also leads the Climate Change…

Mohamad Hejazi is the executive director for the Climate and Sustainability Program at KAPSARC. He also leads the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Partnership (CAMP) project, and his work focuses on climate change research, climate impacts and adaptation, climate mitigation, integrated assessment modeling, and energy-water-land nexus. Prior to joining KAPSARC, Mohamad worked as a senior research scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he served as the principal investigator for the Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System project, a multi-million-dollar project that includes over 40 interdisciplinary researchers across many institutions. He has also led and contributed to projects with the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, US-AID, US-EPA, USGS, NASA, and NSF-INFEWS. Mohamad has authored over 100 journal publications, and he has also served as a contributing author to the Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment, and the AR6 IPCC WG III report on the mitigation of climate change. Mohamad holds a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


  • Climate change research
  • Climate impacts and adaptation
  • Climate mitigation
  • Integrated assessment modeling
  • Energy-water-land nexus

Publications See all Mohamad Hejazi’s publications

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