• النوع أخبار عامة
  • التاريخ 3 سبتمبر 2016

يعقد مركز الملك عبدالله للدراسات و البحوث البترولية منتدى حوار الطاقة في شهر نوفمبر2016

Background Shape


KAPSARC Energy Dialogue 2016

Energy Transition and Economic Transformation

November 1-2, 2016 ▪ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

KAPSARC’s Energy Dialogue 2016 brings together policymakers, researchers, practitioners and civil society − predominantly with an interest in the GCC, India and China − at KAPSARC’s Conference Center in Riyadh.

The two-day forum will focus on:

■  Transformation in Saudi Arabia and the broader GCC as these economies address the twin challenges of changing demographics and the global transition to a more diverse, less energy dependent and carbon-intensive growth model.

■   China and India’s challenges to build economies that benefit from affordable, sustainable energy and maximize the welfare that depends on reliable energy.

Participants will gather together to help shape insights for policymakers and other stakeholders to use in guiding their mission to improve welfare for societies through research and dialogue.

View the Energy Dialogue Working AGENDA here


Please note: Attendance is by invitation due to capacity. For further information please contact dialogue@kapsarc.org

أخبار ذات علاقة

300 مختص دولي يضعون حلولا للتحولات الاقتصادية والبيئية خلال منتدى حوار الطاقة في الرياض.
أخبار عامة

300 مختص دولي يضعون حلولا...

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