• Focus Area -
  • Type Commentary
  • Date 25 August 2021


The February 2021 blackout in Texas underscored the importance of reliable and resilient power systems. In this commentary, we discuss the roles of regulators, markets, fuel and generation supply chains, and interdependent infrastructures, and finds that they need to be reconsidered and redefined to successfully meet the future challenges of increased electrification and severe weather.


Marie Petitet

Senior Fellow- Utilities & Renewables Marie is a Senior Fellow in the Utilities & Renewables Department. Since she joined KAPSARC in 2021, her research has…

Marie is a Senior Fellow in the Utilities & Renewables Department. Since she joined KAPSARC in 2021, her research has focused on power system modeling (KAPSARC Power Model), market designs for energy transitions, and framework analysis for reliable and resilient power systems.

Prior to joining KAPSARC, Marie worked as a Research Engineer within the Research and Development (R&D) unit of the utility group EDF in Paris, France. During her EDF journey, she worked on long-term and short-term electricity market design, the transmission grid at the European scale, and smart-charging opportunities for electric vehicles. Marie also worked as a researcher within the Market Department of the French Transmission System Operator RTE.

Marie holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Dauphine University, PSL (France), an M.Sc. in Environmental and Energy Economics from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (France), and a M.Sc. in Engineering from ENSTA Institut Polytechnique de Paris (France).


  • Electricity Markets
  • Power System Modeling
  • Electricity Market Design and Regulation
  • Energy Transition
  • Energy and Climate Policy

Publications See all Marie Petitet’s publications

Burcin Unel

Burcin Unel

Rolando Fuentes

Rolando Fuentes

Former Research Fellow Dr. Rolando Fuentes was a research fellow focusing on business and regulatory models for the Utilities of the Future project.…

Dr. Rolando Fuentes was a research fellow focusing on business and regulatory models for the Utilities of the Future project. He has extensive experience in the energy and environmental sectors as an academic and policymaker. Rolando was the director of international negotiations at the Mexican Ministry of Energy and later became director of hydrocarbons projects. Before joining the Mexican government, he was a fellow of the London School of Economics, where he lectured and taught courses in Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Policy, and supervised master’s dissertations. Rolando has also been an associate of the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies and IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (IHS CERA), and was a recipient of the British Chevenning Scholarship in 2001.


Frank Felder

Frank Felder

Visiting Researcher- Utilities & Renewables Frank is an engineer, energy policy analyst, and was a visiting researcher at KAPSARC. Prior to joining KAPSARC, Frank was…

Frank is an engineer, energy policy analyst, and was a visiting researcher at KAPSARC. Prior to joining KAPSARC, Frank was a Research Professor at the School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, Director of the Rutgers Energy Institute, and Director of the Center for Energy, Economics and Environmental Policy. In those roles, he conducted original and applied research in the areas of electric power system modeling, clean energy policies, and climate change for academic foundations, government agencies, and energy utilities. He has also worked as an economic consultant and nuclear engineer.

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