• Focus Area -
  • Type External journal article
  • Date 1 March 2018


Domestic energy prices in Saudi Arabia are set below international market prices. This, coupled with rapid economic and population growth, is believed to have contributed to the rapid growth in domestic energy demand and, recently, affected the government budget in the face of low international oil prices. In December 2015, Saudi Arabia announced increases in domestic energy prices. This paper therefore considers the impacts, focusing on gasoline, by estimating a demand function and using it to estimate the change in social welfare. Gasoline demand is found to be price inelastic suggesting that it may be difficult for the Saudi government to limit future growth in gasoline consumption using only increases in the administered price of gasoline. Thus, limiting future gasoline consumption in the KSA might require improved energy efficiency of passenger cars, increased energy awareness by drivers through education and marketing campaigns, and the provision of alternative transport modes within cities. Although the announced gasoline price increase is not expected to reduce demand considerably, it can deliver estimated welfare increases of up to 1.66 billion 2010 US$ (~6.23 billion 2010 Saudi Arabian Riyals), which is around 0.26% of Saudi gross domestic product. © 2017 The Authors


Energy Policy


Tarek Atalla

Tarek Atalla

Former Research Associate

Anwar Gasim

Fellow II Anwar is an energy and environmental economist with an engineering background and over a decade of research and advisory experience…

Anwar is an energy and environmental economist with an engineering background and over a decade of research and advisory experience around the areas of energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions, energy price reform, and carbon pricing. He currently leads multiple cross-functional teams on key projects tackling these areas, with a proven track record of publishing high-impact papers, providing consulting services to policymakers, and building the capabilities of talent within the organization. Anwar’s research has been published in leading energy and environmental journals and has been picked up by leading news media. Anwar also has experience transforming organizations, having been a member of task forces responsible for refreshing organizational strategy and building human capital.

Anwar is currently wrapping up a Ph.D. from UCL in Sustainable Resources (sub-specialization in Economics). He holds an M.Sc. from KAUST in Electrical Engineering and a B.Eng. from the University of Liverpool in Electronics and Communication Engineering.


  • Energy price reform; Energy demand; Measuring GHG emissions; Carbon pricing; Carbon markets

Publications See all Anwar Gasim’s publications

Lester C. Hunt

Visiting Researcher Lester C. Hunt is a part-time Professor of Economics at the University of Portsmouth and a KAPSARC Visiting Researcher. Lester…

Lester C. Hunt is a part-time Professor of Economics at the University of Portsmouth and a KAPSARC Visiting Researcher.

Lester previously worked at the Universities of Essex (1979-1980), Swansea (1980-1985 and 1987-1989), Surrey (1989-1991 and 1999-2017), and Portsmouth (1994-1998, and 2017 onwards). At Surrey he was Head of Economics (1999-2003) and Director of SEEC (2003-2015). At Portsmouth he was Head of Economics (1996 -1998) and Head of Economics and Finance (2017-2021).

In addition to working in higher education, Lester was an Economic Adviser in the forecasting division of HM Treasury (1985-1987), an Energy Analyst/Economist at Midlands Electricity (1991-1994) and a Senior Research Fellow at KAPSARC (2015-2017).

Lester holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Economics with Econometrics from Loughborough University, an MA in Economics from the University of Essex, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Surrey. He has been an Editor of The Energy Journal since 2006.


  • Energy Economics and Policy

Publications See all Lester C. Hunt’s publications

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