• Primary Program Climate and Sustainability
  • Research Interests Integrated Assessment Modelling, Climate Change Mitigation, Coal Transitions and Transport Economics


Puneet is an Associate in the Climate and Sustainability program. Currently, he is working on scenario analysis and deep decarbonization pathways under the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Partnership (CAMP) project at KAPSARC.

Before joining KAPSARC, he worked with Council on Energy, Environment and Water in India where he co-developed the tailored version of Global Change Analysis Model for India (GCAM-India). Prior to CEEW, he has worked with Brookings Institution (India Center) where he co-edited an anthology on the coal sector in India. Across the 18 chapters, drawing from leading experts in the field, the book examines all aspects of coal’s future in India. He has a rich portfolio of published papers, policy briefs and reports. As an independent scholar, he has been writing for the G20, and leading national newspapers. Puneet holds a Master of Technology in renewable energy from TERI University, New Delhi.


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Reaching Net-Zero GHG Emissions in Saudi Arabia by 2060: Transformation of the Industrial Sector

Reaching Net-Zero GHG Emissions in Saudi Arabia by 2060: Transformation of the Industrial Sector

The industrial sector plays a crucial role in the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Its energy consumption primarily relies on natural gas and oil due to the abundance of these resources and their relatively low administered prices. To reduce oil dependence and create a more sustainable and resilient economy, the KSA has adopted several important policies to improve energy efficiency, manage domestic energy consumption, and pursue ambitious climate targets.

1st July 2024
Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions of Saudi Arabia by 2060: The Transformation of the Building Sector

Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions of Saudi Arabia by 2060: The Transformation of the Building Sector

In this paper, an economy-wide, net-zero pathway that enables Saudi Arabia to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060 is investigated, with a specific focus on the critical role played by the building sector. An exploration is undertaken of the significance of energy efficiency measures, the circular carbon economy framework and the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center’s instrumental contributions in reducing energy demand and GHG emissions within the building sector.

25th March 2024
Saudi Arabia Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Transport Sector

Saudi Arabia Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Transport Sector

Decarbonizing the transport sector will likely play a crucial role for Saudi Arabia in fulfilling its target of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2060. While clear and immediate low-carbon or zero-carbon alternatives exist in some sectors, the transport sector faces challenges. For instance, there are promising solutions for passenger cars, but solutions for long-distance transport are still being developed or are in the early adoption phase. Understanding these challenges requires a comprehensive study of Saudi Arabia’s transport sector and the long-term impact of various policies on the industry.

22nd January 2024
Saudi Arabia Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Electricity Sector

Saudi Arabia Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Electricity Sector

Under its Vision 2030 targets, Saudi Arabia is working to steer the nation toward a sustainable future. The Kingdom has recently amplified its sustainability goals, announcing its intention to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2060. As part of this renewed commitment, Saudi Arabia aims to have 50% of its electricity capacity from renewable sources by 2030. This pledge reflects the country’s strategic move toward a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

5th December 2023
Long-Term Decarbonization Pathway for Saudi Arabia To Reach Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060

Long-Term Decarbonization Pathway for Saudi Arabia To Reach Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060

Saudi Arabia is a signatory to the 2015 Paris Agreement. It has updated its nationally determined contributions commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 278 Mt of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq) by 2030. In the lead-up to COP 26 and joining the global efforts, under the umbrella program of the Saudi Green Initiative, Saudi Arabia announced its pledge to achieve net zero emissions by 2060.

29th November 2023
Implications of Climate Policy on Energy Poverty

Implications of Climate Policy on Energy Poverty

This article examines the complex issue of energy poverty and its various dimensions, including energy access and affordability. It explores the challenges of addressing energy poverty and the trade-offs that may exist between energy poverty and climate change policy.

13th November 2023
Indiaʼs Updated NDC: A Pathway to Net-Zero by 2070?

Indiaʼs Updated NDC: A Pathway to Net-Zero by 2070?

The meeting of the Union Cabinet of India on August 3, 2022, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved India’s updated nationally determined contribution (NDC). The NDC aims to enhance India’s contribution toward a global response to climate change. This update came in the aftermath of the prime minister’s pledge at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26), held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, in 2021, to reach net-zero emissions by 2070. During the conference, Prime Minister Modi went on to announce four supporting initiatives toward India’s net-zero commitment. These include increasing the country’s non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigawatts (GW) by 2030, having 50% of its energy requirements met by renewable energy by 2030, reducing its carbon emission by one billion tonnes by 2030, and reducing the carbon intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 45% by 2030. Two of these commitments have now been incorporated in the updated NDC.

16th October 2022
Enabling the Progress of the Circular Carbon Economy: India’s Approach to CCUS

Enabling the Progress of the Circular Carbon Economy: India’s Approach to CCUS

The circular carbon economy (CCE) concept is an extension of the idea of a circular economy, focusing on energy and carbon flows while implicitly retaining the circular economy’s material, energy, water, and economic flows. The goal of the CCE framework is to achieve a carbon balance or net-zero emissions in the second half of the twenty-first century; as such, the circularity of material flows is secondary to the circularity of carbon flows when they are in conflict. This commentary focuses on the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) components of the CCE framework, highlighting the relevance of the framework in the context of India.

3rd August 2023

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