• Focus Area Energy Macro & Micro-economics Energy Macro & Micro-economics
  • Type Discussion paper
  • Date 06 October 2024


The prevailing perception is that the transition to renewable energy ­will lead to a decrease in demand for hydrocarbons and petrochemicals. The pre­sent work empirically demonstrates that this common sense may be more imaginary than real: it finds evidence that the renewable energy development may have a positive impact on hydrocarbons through its growing demand for petrochemicals.


Fakhri Hasanov

Senior Principal- Energy Macro & Microeconomics Fakhri Hasanov is a senior principal and leads the KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model projects with 20+ years of experience…

Fakhri Hasanov is a senior principal and leads the KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model projects with 20+ years of experience in econometric modeling and forecasting. Since 2015, he has been involved in multistakeholder projects, leading and executing macroeconomic analysis of various policy choices and initiatives (e.g., energy prices, energy demand, and fiscal reforms) for the Kingdom’s economy. He has extensive experience working with policymakers. Prior to KAPSARC, he was a post-doc at George Washington University.

His research mainly covers macro-econometric modeling for energy and environmental economics policy analyses. Dr. Hasanov has authored 50+ applied studies published in reputable journals such as Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Empirical Economics, and Energy Strategy Review. His research is recognized internationally (e.g., he is listed among the top 2% of scientists globally by Elsevier). Fakhri is an editorial board member of various peer-reviewed journals, such as Frontiers in Environmental Science. He holds a Ph.D. in econometrics.


  • Econometric modeling and forecasting
  • Time series and panel data econometrics
  • Macroeconometric models for policy analyses
  • Energy economics
  • Environmental economics.

Publications See all Fakhri Hasanov’s publications

Evar Umeozor

Fellow- Oil & Gas


Publications See all Evar Umeozor’s publications

Samar Mohamed

Samar Mohamed

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