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Saudi Aramco Seen Achieving its...

Abundant storage and low cost of capturing CO₂ from sharply...

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Japanese Group Pins Hopes on...

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security outlines joint projects...

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Saudi Arabia’s Green Hydrogen Production...

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia can produce green hydrogen more efficiently than...

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How Europe’s Energy Crisis Boosted...

Renewed interest in fracking for gas in the Middle East...

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We provide free access to KAPSARC’s data and research tools, to advance the understanding of energy economics and environment policy.

The LCA tool is a comprehensive instrument that provides detailed insights into the entire life cycle of jet fuel greenhouse gas emissions for aviation in Saudi Arabia – from oil…

The CAMP project aims to assess the implications of achieving net-zero emissions on the overall energy system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. CAMP provides comprehensive analysis of the long-term…

The KREDM is a region-specific econometric model designed to analyze electricity demand in Saudi Arabia, accounting for regional disparities and facilitating policy and design scenario simulations. By integrating essential factors…

Hydrogen is emerging as an important energy vector that can accelerate the path toward net-zero emissions. Given its diverse application and its potential to abate carbon emissions, it is ideally…


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رحب #كابسارك بزيارة من طلبة @IMSIU_edu_sa أعضاء نادي @IMSIU_EJAD ، إذ قدم لهم شرح عن المركز وأهم نشاطاته بصفته أحد أهم مراكز الاستشارات والبحوث في اقتصاديات الطاقة والاستدامة. وتأتي هذه الزيارة جزءًا…..

2 Days Ago

#KAPSARC and @TheSaudiAEE are delighted to announce that the 3rd @IA4EE MENA Conference will take place on December 8-9, 2024, in Riyadh. Submissions for abstracts are open now! Learn more:..

11 Days Ago

#KAPSARC hosted the State Minister and Special Envoy for International Climate Action at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HE Jennifer Morgan, for the second time. We discussed the new @KAPSARC_SPP and…..

12 Days Ago

KAPSARC had the pleasure of hosting an inspiring group of students from the نادي إيجاد | IMSIU EJAD club at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, who represented a variety of academic…..

2 Days Ago

Cross-border #electricity trading in #MENA can offer significant cost savings and environmental benefits, reinforced by ongoing interconnection projects. #KAPSARC's latest paper examines the cost and emission impacts of electricity trade among GCC…..

3 Days Ago

In our commitment to transferring knowledge to the younger generation, we hosted a group of students from Mawhiba and Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) who are interested in architectural field. During…..

17 Days Ago

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