• Date 21 February 2024
  • Time 10:00AM – 5:15PM
  • Language English


The joint producer-consumer dialogue was co-hosted by Joseph McMonigle, Secretary General of the International Energy Forum, H.E. Haitham Al Ghais, Secretary General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency.

Current market volatility and the widening gap between different scenarios make dialogue on energy outlooks and market signals more important than ever. The symposium was divided into four key sessions as follows:

1. Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability — Scenarios and Markets.

2. Key Outlook and Comparative Analysis Findings.

3. Trade and Investment in Energy Security, Market Stability, and Affordable Access.

4. Policy and Energy Market Incentives to Reach Shared Goals.

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