• Date 14 July 2020
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Co-hosted With Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations and in partnership with the Think 20 (T20) Saudi Arabia

Pathways to the transition

The overarching global issue, irrespective of whether in developing or developed countries, would be to identify the role of hydrocarbons in a net-zero carbon future. The overall goal is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of access to affordable, clean, and efficient energy, in parallel with aggressive action to mitigate emissions from energy use. The challenge is exacerbated in large populations in Asia and Africa that are yet to ensure full electricity and energy access, with growing concerns in the rest of the world that as these populations enter the energy mainstream, the climate impacts could be severe. Managing this transition is crucial for global energy sustainability. How can we design an energy pathway to achieve that?

  • Three case studies: India, Saudi Arabia, ….
  • Identify common elements that help achieve universal access to clean energy: market design, policy support, regulatory framework.
  • Structure these identified elements in a ‘circular carbon economy’ framework.
  • Acknowledge the diversity in developing countries in governance structures, market conditions and energy resources.


Almutairi, Hossa

Hossa Almutairi

Principal Fellow- Energy Macro- & Microeconomics

Arunabha Ghosh

Arunabha Ghosh


Amrita Goldar

Amrita Goldar

Senior Fellow, ICRIER

Ulka Kelkar

Ulka Kelkar

Director-Climate, WRI India

Mansouri, Noura

Noura Mansouri

Senior Fellow- Climate & Sustainability

Saon Ray

Saon Ray

Senior Fellow, ICRIER


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