• Program -
  • Type Book/book chapter
  • Date 21 October 2020


Climate change is a global issue. According to an IPCC special report (IPCC, Global warming of 1.5 °C. An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 32 p, 2018), if global warming is 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, this will increase the threat of climate change, challenge sustainable development and increase poverty in the world. All countries must reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The attention paid to countries that produce fossil fuels and export them to the rest of the world is evident in this context. Like other oil-producing countries, KSA faces two challenges for the 2020s: the consequences of the world’s low carbon energy transition and the changes associated with economic diversification and the growth of the low carbon economy at home. The country should diversify its economy and develop sustainable projects, like smart cities and sustainable tourism, in order to achieve the Agenda 30 aims and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Fateh Belaïd

Principal Fellow- Climate and Sustainability Fateh was a full professor of economics at Lille Catholic University and director of the Smart & Sustainable Cities research…

Fateh was a full professor of economics at Lille Catholic University and director of the Smart & Sustainable Cities research unit. Fateh has also held various positions at the French Scientific and Technical Center for Building and led multiple collaborative projects for the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and the European Commission. He is an energy and environmental economist drawing from the fields of applied microeconomics, energy modeling, and econometrics.

He has published widely on household energy consumption, energy-saving behaviors, individual preference and investment in energy efficiency, energy poverty, renewables, and energy policy. He received a habilitation for supervising doctoral research from Orléans University, a Ph.D. in Economics, an M.S. in Applied Economics & Decision Theory from Littoral University, and an engineering degree in statistics.

His work has been published in journals including Ecological Economics, The Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Economic Surveys, Energy Policy, and Environmental Management


  • Energy and Environmental Economics; Energy Efficiency; Energy Demand; Fuel Poverty; Energy Policy; Energy Saving Behaviors; Applied Econometrics; Smart and Sustainable Cities.

Publications See all Fateh Belaïd’s publications

Shekoofeh Farahmand

Shekoofeh Farahmand

Nathalie Hilmi

Nathalie Hilmi

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