• Primary Program Energy Macro & Microeconomics
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See all Jeremy’s publications
  • Discussion paper
  • Data Insight
  • Commentaries
Forecasting Saudi Arabia’s Non-Oil GDP Using a Bayesian Mixed Frequency VAR

Forecasting Saudi Arabia’s Non-Oil GDP Using a Bayesian Mixed Frequency VAR

Bayesian vector autoregressions have been used by central banks to prepare short-term projections of quarterly GDP and other macroeconomic variables. The Bayesian approach offers the advantage that a researcher can use a priori knowledge to specify a prior distribution of the parameters. In this paper, we have combined monthly data for Saudi Arabia with quarterly fiscal and GDP variables to produce forecasts over an approximate 12-month period.

23rd May 2024
Saudi Arabia’s Input-Output Table: Computing Type I Multiplier

Saudi Arabia’s Input-Output Table: Computing Type I Multiplier

The General Authority of Statistics of Saudi Arabia has released the input-output tables this year for 2018, 2019, and 2020 (GaStat, 2022). These releases have extended the number of sectors representing the Saudi Arabian economy to 20 from the 13 sectors typically reported in GDP official reports. This disaggregation of sectors in the input-output table is valuable for analyzing new sector developments and targeted sectors in part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan. An advantage of input-output analysis is measuring the overall economic adjustments made through changes in final demand. Using input-output analysis, we measure the effects of various policies on value-added, household income, and job creation. Additionally, it offers insights into the development of linkages and interdependencies across economic sectors.

5th September 2023
Household Expenditure Survey, Housing and Energy Costs in Saudi Arabia

Household Expenditure Survey, Housing and Energy Costs in Saudi Arabia

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey for Saudi Arabia was conducted by statistical agency GASTAT in 1999, 2007, 2013 and 2018. In this economic commentary, we discuss some of the key findings and developments over the period under consideration. We devote particular attention to the “housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels” category, which includes fundamentally important goods and services such as electricity, gas, water, and housing rent.

22nd October 2023
Seasonal Adjustment of GDP Time Series – Private Sector Component

Seasonal Adjustment of GDP Time Series – Private Sector Component

The General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) categorizes Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product (GDP) into institutional oil and non-oil segments. The institutional non-oil segment can be further broken down into institutional government and institutional private sectors. For analysts, the seasonal adjustment of GDP and its components is an important one to make because it enables practitioners to better understand the makeup of each individual GDP series. There may be structural and cyclical elements, as well as elements that show repeat patterns according to the time of year. Seasonal adjustment is also a preparatory step that should be undertaken in advance of any modeling exercise to prepare short-term GDP forecasts.  

9th April 2023

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