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Energy Policy Pathways to Inform Climate Policy in Saudi Arabia

Energy Policy Pathways to Inform Climate Policy in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has announced plans to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 278 million tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). In this regard, this paper contributes a modeling view of the climate-related effects of various energy policies on the Saudi energy system. The baseline entails the continued progression of current domestic policies without energy price reform. We examine two main alternative scenarios: The announced policies scenario (APS) incorporates some of the plans that the Saudi government has announced. In the other scenario, we run the baseline scenario with a cap on total CO2 emissions equal to those displayed in the announced policies.

13th November 2023
Plastic to Oil: Saudi Arabia and Global Perspectives

Plastic to Oil: Saudi Arabia and Global Perspectives

Today, it is impossible to imagine life without plastics due to their flexible characteristics. However, the attractive characteristics of plastic in several industries are generating another global problem: waste plastic disposal. According to the “OECD Global Plastic Outlook” published in 2022, global plastic waste production increased by more than 2.25 times between 2000 and 2019 to 353.3 million tons (MMT). However, only 9% of that plastic waste is recycled.

22nd June 2023
Global Crude Oil Refinery Models: Parametric and Nonparametric Methods

Global Crude Oil Refinery Models: Parametric and Nonparametric Methods

Crude oil refineries produce finished petroleum products through a series of processing steps known as refinery unit operations. The varieties and capacities of process units, along with their operational characteristics, differentiate one refinery from another. Over the years, the refining industry has adopted various metrics to categorize refineries based on their capital investment and upgrading capability. These efforts have resulted in refinery complexity indicators such as the equivalent distillation capacity, the Nelson complexity index and the bottom of the barrel index. Although these metrics have helped quantify the refinery complexity and suitability for various crude oil feed qualities, they fail to provide relevant information for refinery modeling applications.

26th September 2023
The Role of Circular Economy for Plastic Waste Management

The Role of Circular Economy for Plastic Waste Management

In March 2022, in Resolution 5/14, the United Nations Environment Assembly requested that the UN Environment Programme set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, which included the marine environment. At the ongoing INC meetings, the circular plastic economy model was identified as an essential measure for eradicating plastic pollution. Consequently, UNEP established a secretariat for the INC and developed a negotiation schedule to comprise five sessions of INC meetings where member states, International Governmental Organizations, non-governmental organizations, observers, businesses and associations and other stakeholder organizations agree on a global treaty on plastic pollution, which includes pollution of the marine environment.

17th February 2024
Global Crude Oil Refining Capacities

Global Crude Oil Refining Capacities

Global crude oil refining capacities are presented according to the classification of global refineries in the KOVA model. The evolution of Saudi Arabian refining capacities and configurations between 2005 and 2020 is also presented.

26th October 2023
Capturing the Value From Supply-Side Shocks in the Heavy Crude Market

Capturing the Value From Supply-Side Shocks in the Heavy Crude Market

The Russian-Ukraine conflict and sanctions on Russian crude oil flows have significantly affected world oil markets. Price volatility has increased, flows have been re-directed and there is considerable uncertainty concerning future energy policy. The implications of these changes affect all market segments including those where Russian supplies have been limited or absent. Thus, recent events have exacerbated problems observed in the already tight global heavy crude sector, where key exporters have been constrained either by sanctions (Iran and Venezuela) or by logistic bottlenecks (Canada).

29th January 2023
Global Crude Oil Refinery Configurations

Global Crude Oil Refinery Configurations

Crude oil refineries produce finished petroleum products through a series of processing steps known as refinery unit operations. The capacities and varieties of process units, along with their operational characteristics, differentiate one refinery from another.

2nd May 2024
Heralding a New Era in Trade Between the GCC, Africa and Asia

Heralding a New Era in Trade Between the GCC, Africa and Asia

Global geopolitical dynamics are altering trade flows of petrochemicals and chemical products from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. These include the conflict between Russia and Ukraine impacting access to cheap gas for industrial activities in Europe, and protectionist energy and trade policies being introduced in some export markets, eroding the traditional advantages of value-added downstream products originating from GCC countries.

21st August 2023

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