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See all Freddy’s publications
  • Discussion paper
  • Methodology paper
The Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment of Jet Fuel Production and Consumption

The Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment of Jet Fuel Production and Consumption

This paper aims to estimate the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of jet fuel production and consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The system bound­aries include well-­to-­tank (WTT) activities, covering crude oil extraction, transportation, and jet fuel production and distribution, as well as tank-­to-­wake (TTW) activities related to aircraft operation.

12th November 2024
The Life Cycle Assessment of Jet Fuel Production and Consumption – A Methodology for Saudi Arabia’s Aviation Sector

The Life Cycle Assessment of Jet Fuel Production and Consumption – A Methodology for Saudi Arabia’s Aviation Sector

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a comprehensive methodology that contributes to informed decision-making and addresses environmental challenges across different sectors. The methodology has significantly evolved from its first development by the Coca-Cola Company in 1969 to its standardization by the International Organization for Standardization. The flexibility of LCA in environmental impact assessments in various industries, activities, and products has enabled it to support sustainability goals and initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and the European Union’s circular economy action plan. Specifically, in the air transportation sector, LCA has been applied in specific case studies involving fuel options, combustion emissions, and aircraft technologies to reduce climate impacts and achieve net-zero targets. The International Civil Aviation Organization has also developed a methodology to evaluate life cycle greenhouse gas emissions for aviation fuels that aligns with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation sustainability criteria.

10th March 2024

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