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  • Commentary
Toward Just Transitions in the MENA Region: Insights from the 2022 Circular Carbon Economy Index

Toward Just Transitions in the MENA Region: Insights from the 2022 Circular Carbon Economy Index

In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that any major effort to reduce emissions will require a whole-of-society approach that brings along people equally within and across countries. As a sign of this notion entering the “mainstream” of global climate governance, a just transitions work programme was established under the UNFCCC in 2022. In the context of climate action, the term “just transition” is defined in different ways. At its core, the concept centers on not leaving people behind in the net-zero transition. The Paris Agreement refers to the “imperatives of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities” (UNFCCC 2015). The Glasgow Pact from 2021 recognises that some countries will need support in this effort (UNFCCC 2022).

23rd May 2024

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