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      Impact of Urban Traffic on Fuel Consumption Leveraging IoT Data: Case Study of Riyadh City

      Impact of Urban Traffic on Fuel Consumption Leveraging IoT Data: Case Study of Riyadh City

      Lama Yaseen, Nourah Al Hosain, Ibrahem Shatnawi, Abdelrahman Muhsen

      This study explores the rising trend of traffic congestion in Riyadh and its impact on fuel consumption for passenger cars amid the challenges of rapid urbanization and increasing vehicle use. By utilizing real-time floating car data (FCD) collected by vehicles…

      Lama Yaseen Yaseen, Lama
      Nourah Al Hosain Al Hosain, Nourah
      Ibrahem Shatnawi Shatnawi, Ibrahem
      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      19 December 2024
      Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Framework for Examining the Environmental Impacts of Asphalt Pavement Mixtures in Saudi Arabia

      Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Framework for Examining the Environmental Impacts of Asphalt Pavement Mixtures in Saudi Arabia

      Ibrahem Shatnawi, Ayman Ali Waheish

      Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the predominant approach for evaluating the environmental impacts of asphalt pavement. A comprehensive LCA framework for assessing the environmental impacts of asphalt pavements in Saudi Arabia was defined. This model framework presents a clear approach…

      Ibrahem Shatnawi Shatnawi, Ibrahem
      Ayman Ali Waheish Ayman Ali Waheish
      12 December 2024
      The Role of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction
      Models, Data and Tools

      The Role of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction

      Omar Rinchi, Ahmad Alsharoa, Ibrahem Shatnawi, Anvita Arora

      Despite the technological advancements in the transportation sector, the industry continues to grapple with increasing energy consumption and vehicular emissions, which intensify environmental degradation and climate change. The inefficient management of traffic flow, the underutilization of transport network interconnectivity, and…

      Omar Rinchi Omar Rinchi
      Ahmad Alsharoa Ahmad Alsharoa
      Ibrahem Shatnawi Shatnawi, Ibrahem
      Anvita Arora Arora, Anvita
      22 January 2024
      Urban Transportation Challenges in Saudi Arabia: Micromobility as a Solution to First and Last Mile
      Future of Transport and Fuel Demand

      Urban Transportation Challenges in Saudi Arabia: Micromobility as a Solution to First and Last Mile

      Lama Yaseen, Nourah Al Hosain, Ibrahem Shatnawi

      The transportation sector plays a significant role in global carbon emissions and environmental challenges. On a worldwide scale, the aggregate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributed to transportation amount to approximately 14.3% of total emissions. Notably, road transport emissions made a…

      Lama Yaseen Yaseen, Lama
      Nourah Al Hosain Al Hosain, Nourah
      Ibrahem Shatnawi Shatnawi, Ibrahem