• Primary Program Climate & Sustainability
  • Research Interests Climate change research, climate impacts and adaptation, climate mitigation, integrated assessment modeling, energy-water-land nexus


Mohamad Hejazi is the executive director for the Climate and Sustainability Program at KAPSARC. He also leads the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Partnership (CAMP) project, and his work focuses on climate change research, climate impacts and adaptation, climate mitigation, integrated assessment modeling, and energy-water-land nexus. Prior to joining KAPSARC, Mohamad worked as a senior research scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he served as the principal investigator for the Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System project, a multi-million-dollar project that includes over 40 interdisciplinary researchers across many institutions. He has also led and contributed to projects with the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, US-AID, US-EPA, USGS, NASA, and NSF-INFEWS. Mohamad has authored over 100 journal publications, and he has also served as a contributing author to the Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment, and the AR6 IPCC WG III report on the mitigation of climate change. Mohamad holds a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


See all Mohamad’s publications
  • Discussion papers
  • Reports
  • KAPSARC journal articles
Reaching Net-Zero GHG Emissions in Saudi Arabia by 2060: Transformation of the Industrial Sector

Reaching Net-Zero GHG Emissions in Saudi Arabia by 2060: Transformation of the Industrial Sector

The industrial sector plays a crucial role in the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Its energy consumption primarily relies on natural gas and oil due to the abundance of these resources and their relatively low administered prices. To reduce oil dependence and create a more sustainable and resilient economy, the KSA has adopted several important policies to improve energy efficiency, manage domestic energy consumption, and pursue ambitious climate targets.

1st July 2024
Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions of Saudi Arabia by 2060: The Transformation of the Building Sector

Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions of Saudi Arabia by 2060: The Transformation of the Building Sector

In this paper, an economy-wide, net-zero pathway that enables Saudi Arabia to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060 is investigated, with a specific focus on the critical role played by the building sector. An exploration is undertaken of the significance of energy efficiency measures, the circular carbon economy framework and the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center’s instrumental contributions in reducing energy demand and GHG emissions within the building sector.

25th March 2024
Saudi Arabia Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Transport Sector

Saudi Arabia Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Transport Sector

Decarbonizing the transport sector will likely play a crucial role for Saudi Arabia in fulfilling its target of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2060. While clear and immediate low-carbon or zero-carbon alternatives exist in some sectors, the transport sector faces challenges. For instance, there are promising solutions for passenger cars, but solutions for long-distance transport are still being developed or are in the early adoption phase. Understanding these challenges requires a comprehensive study of Saudi Arabia’s transport sector and the long-term impact of various policies on the industry.

22nd January 2024
Saudi Arabia Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Electricity Sector

Saudi Arabia Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060: Transformation of the Electricity Sector

Under its Vision 2030 targets, Saudi Arabia is working to steer the nation toward a sustainable future. The Kingdom has recently amplified its sustainability goals, announcing its intention to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2060. As part of this renewed commitment, Saudi Arabia aims to have 50% of its electricity capacity from renewable sources by 2030. This pledge reflects the country’s strategic move toward a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

5th December 2023
Long-Term Decarbonization Pathway for Saudi Arabia To Reach Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060

Long-Term Decarbonization Pathway for Saudi Arabia To Reach Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2060

Saudi Arabia is a signatory to the 2015 Paris Agreement. It has updated its nationally determined contributions commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 278 Mt of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq) by 2030. In the lead-up to COP 26 and joining the global efforts, under the umbrella program of the Saudi Green Initiative, Saudi Arabia announced its pledge to achieve net zero emissions by 2060.

29th November 2023
Implications of Climate Policy on Energy Poverty

Implications of Climate Policy on Energy Poverty

This article examines the complex issue of energy poverty and its various dimensions, including energy access and affordability. It explores the challenges of addressing energy poverty and the trade-offs that may exist between energy poverty and climate change policy.

13th November 2023
Closing the Investment Gap to Achieve Paris Agreement Goals

Closing the Investment Gap to Achieve Paris Agreement Goals

This study aims to assess the alignment of global sustainable financial flows with transition investment priorities. First, we identify investment gaps based on the difference between the required annual investment to meet global net-zero emissions (NZE) targets and current investment flows. Our assessment reveals that nearly all countries must significantly accelerate their efforts, as their current investment levels fall short of what is required. Second, and perhaps more importantly, investment gaps are particularly large for non-Annex I (developing) countries. Financing these large-scale investments continues to be a major global challenge. The size of global environmental, social and governance (ESG) finance remains low. Specifically, despite their large investment gaps, developing countries receive only a minor share of global ESG funds, where access to conventional finance is already limited. 

9th October 2023
Role Of LPG In Enabling A Just And Inclusive Energy Transition In Africa And The Arab Region

Role Of LPG In Enabling A Just And Inclusive Energy Transition In Africa And The Arab Region

Globally, 2.3 billion people still lack access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (CFTs) today, with an overwhelming majority residing in rural areas. Without a dramatic increase in investment and action for scalable solutions, 1.9 billion people will remain without access to clean cooking in 2030. This stark reality highlights the urgency for action, underlined by the Clean Cooking Alliance’s (CCA) strategy, which emphasizes the need for annual investments of at least $10 billion to achieve universal clean cooking access by 2030, compared with the existing funding shortfall of less than 1.5% of that value $130 million each year).

14th December 2023
Climate Futures Report

Climate Futures Report

Saudi Arabia, a country characterized by its vast deserts, unique geographical features, and rich cultural heritage, stands at the precipice of a transformative challenge: adapting to the impacts of a rapidly changing climate. As global temperatures continue to rise due to the accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, Saudi Arabia is projected to experience more rapid changes in its climate patterns compared to other regions. This will not only intensify climate-related risks across the country, but also profoundly impact biodiversity, freshwater resources, agricultural productivity, industry and economy, and the health and well-being of its people.

1st November 2023
Chapter 7. Energy and Industry

Chapter 7. Energy and Industry

This chapter examines the potential impacts of climate change on Saudi Arabia’s energy sector under a 3-degree world, with a focus on domestic energy infrastructure and its related economic and productivity impacts. Given that studies assessing such aspects are lacking, potential impacts are explored using existing knowledge, focusing on the role of climate variability, expectations related to extreme weather events, and known vulnerabilities within the sector. The broader context of international policy, particularly those concerning energy exports and associated geopolitics, remains a complex backdrop. That dimension warrants its own comprehensive exploration to fully grasp the impacts of both climate change and international climate policy on the Kingdom’s economy and its role in the global energy ecosystem.

1st November 2023
3-Degrees Warmer World

3-Degrees Warmer World

This is the intro chapter in a report that KAPSARC/I are publishing in collaboration with KAUST and AEON Startegy. The chapter sets the stage for the report, which will present a broad perspective on the implications of a 3°C warmer world, highlighting how this scenario may challenge different aspects of the natural, social, and economic landscapes over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1st November 2023

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