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  • KAPSARC journal articles
Saudi Non-oil Exports Before and After COVID-19: Historical Impacts of Determinants and Scenario Analysis

Saudi Non-oil Exports Before and After COVID-19: Historical Impacts of Determinants and Scenario Analysis

The diversification of the non-oil sector, including its exports, is at the core of Saudi Vision 2030. This study investigates Saudi non-oil exports in a novel way. Specifically, it differs from previous studies on this topic owing to its modeling framework. This study’s modeling framework first estimates the non-oil export equation, which allows us to examine the historical impacts of theoretically articulated demand- and supply-side determinants on non-oil exports. This is done using Autometrics, a state-of-the-art algorithm for computer-automated model selection in the general-to-specific modeling strategy framework, with super saturation.

24th August 2021
Modeling Sectoral Employment in Saudi Arabia

Modeling Sectoral Employment in Saudi Arabia

Achieving the desired level of employment is central to macroeconomic policy. Regulators should have a better understanding of employment dynamics in order to design appropriate policies and test their impact. Healthy employment levels not only benefit household income and the production factor of firms, but also help maintain sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty. Employment is a central element in the concept of inclusive growth (UN 2006; Bhalla 2007). Therefore, the dynamics of employment determinants have been the subject of considerable research to date.

7th April 2020
KGEMM:  A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia

KGEMM: A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia

The KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model (KGEMM), is a policy analysis tool for examining the impacts of domestic policy measures and global economic and energy shocks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

13th February 2020
Gasoline Demand in Saudi Arabia: Are the Price and Income Elasticities Constant?

Gasoline Demand in Saudi Arabia: Are the Price and Income Elasticities Constant?

After the drop in international oil prices in 2014, oil-exporting countries started to launch new policies to develop their economies. It is important that policymakers involved in energy and economic development understand how economic agents respond to increased energy prices and how the latter affects the demand for different fuels.

26th December 2019
Natural Resource Revenue Management Strategies in Developing Countries: A Calibrated Macroeconomic Model for Uganda

Natural Resource Revenue Management Strategies in Developing Countries: A Calibrated Macroeconomic Model for Uganda

Recent natural resource discoveries in Eastern Africa provide an opportunity to boost economic development. However, this opportunity brings with it potential challenges in the form of ‘Dutch disease’ and, potentially, the ‘resource curse’. A companion paper to this report: Managing Macroeconomic Risks Arising from Natural Resource Revenues in Developing Countries: A review of the Challenges for East Africa sets out the current state of thinking on the issues of Dutch disease, resource curse, the applicability of the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) in populous, developing economies and the impact of absorptive capacity constraints.

24th December 2015
Macroeconomic Challenges for Eastern Africa

Macroeconomic Challenges for Eastern Africa

Recent natural resource discoveries in Eastern Africa provide an enormous opportunity to boost economic development. However, success is not inevitable and the causes of failure have been extensively researched during recent years. This paper summarizes the challenges that can beset such opportunities.

6th September 2015
The Changing Impact of Income and Price on Gasoline Demand in Saudi Arabia

The Changing Impact of Income and Price on Gasoline Demand in Saudi Arabia

The growth path of gasoline demand, a key strategic fuel, has important implications for oil security, oil-related carbon emissions, and refinery investment (Dahl 2012). As such, understanding how fluctuations in income and gasoline prices could affect the demand for oil in Saudi Arabia allows policymakers to assess what drives gasoline demand over time and the likely future development of oil demand.

11th December 2019

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