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      Residential Energy Model for Evaluating Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency Programs in Saudi Residential Buildings
      Models, Data and Tools

      Residential Energy Model for Evaluating Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency Programs in Saudi Residential Buildings

      Mohammad Aldubyan, Moncef Krarti, Eric Williams

      This paper describes the development of the Residential Energy Model (REEM) for Saudi Arabia using an engineering bottom-up approach. The model can assess energy demand for the current residential building stock and the impact of energy efficiency and demand-side management…

      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      Moncef Krarti Krarti, Moncef
      Eric Williams Williams, Eric
      21 February 2021
      The Evolution of Gasoline Demand and Prices in Saudi Arabia

      The Evolution of Gasoline Demand and Prices in Saudi Arabia

      Mohammad Aldubyan

      Gasoline is the primary fuel for the passenger car fleet in Saudi Arabia. The demand for passenger cars, and hence gasoline, is primarily driven by the size, geography and economic growth of the country, its domestic fuel prices, and the…

      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      3 February 2021
      Per Capita Regional Electricity Consumption in the Saudi Housing Sector

      Per Capita Regional Electricity Consumption in the Saudi Housing Sector

      Mohammad Aldubyan, Ryan Alyamani

      Aggregate residential electricity consumption data for Saudi Arabia conceals regional disparities. Although electricity prices are unified across the country, electricity consumption patterns can be driven by regional factors such as wealth, population size, and weather conditions, among others.

      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      Ryan Alyamani Alyamani, Ryan
      7 September 2020
      What Happened to Residential Electricity Consumption in Saudi Arabia Between 2015 and 2018?
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      What Happened to Residential Electricity Consumption in Saudi Arabia Between 2015 and 2018?

      Mohammad Aldubyan, Anwar Gasim

      Between 2007 and 2018, residential electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia increased by 45%, from around 89 terawatthours (TWh) to 130 TWh (SAMA 2019). Population and gross domestic product (GDP) are two key factors that influence residential electricity consumption.

      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      Anwar Gasim Gasim, Anwar
      26 August 2020
      Why Did Domestic Gasoline Prices Fall in Saudi Arabia?

      Why Did Domestic Gasoline Prices Fall in Saudi Arabia?

      Anwar Gasim, Mohammad Aldubyan

      What is behind the dramatic fall in gasoline prices? On May 11, 2020, Saudi Arabia slashed its domestic gasoline prices. The price of 91-octane gasoline fell from 1.31 to 0.67 Saudi Arabian riyals (SAR) per liter, while the price of…

      Anwar Gasim Gasim, Anwar
      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      7 June 2020
      The Impact of High Temperatures on Battery Performance in Solar-PV Systems With Storage
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      The Impact of High Temperatures on Battery Performance in Solar-PV Systems With Storage

      Amro Elshurafa, Mohammad Aldubyan

      The World Bank estimates that nearly 1 billion people globally have no grid electricity access. Diesel generators are the default source of energy for locations lacking access to the grid. The falling costs of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation and battery…

      Amro Elshurafa Elshurafa, Amro
      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      17 December 2019
      Gasoline Price Reform in Saudi Arabia

      Gasoline Price Reform in Saudi Arabia

      Anwar Gasim, Mohammad Aldubyan

      Saudi Arabia has been adjusting gasoline prices on a quarterly basis since the start of 2019, with the most recent adjustment occurring on July 14, 2019. These adjustments depend on changes in international oil prices, and are smaller than the…

      Anwar Gasim Gasim, Anwar
      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      1 September 2019