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      Designing Transport Policy for Sustainable Freight Movement in Saudi Arabia
      Future of Transport and Fuel Demand

      Designing Transport Policy for Sustainable Freight Movement in Saudi Arabia

      Hector G. Lopez-Ruiz, Nora Nezamuddin, Abdelrahman Muhsen

      Logistics and infrastructure policy will play key roles in Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification and reform efforts. This study provides a quantitative assessment of specific measures related to freight transport, taking into consideration the heterogeneity of urban, regional and inter-regional localities…

      Hector G. Lopez-Ruiz Lopez-Ruiz, Hector G.
      Nora Nezamuddin Nezamuddin, Nora
      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      27 April 2020
      The Potential for Distributed Solar PV Systems in Riyadh

      The Potential for Distributed Solar PV Systems in Riyadh

      Amro Elshurafa, Abdelrahman Muhsen

      The country’s regulator, the Electricity and Co-Generation Regulatory Authority (ECRA) has also released provisional bylaws that will govern how distributed generation (DG) would be compensated within the Kingdom. Many governmental organizations mandated to support local industries and energy efficiency measures…

      Amro Elshurafa Elshurafa, Amro
      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      18 November 2019
      The Potential of Distributed Solar PV Capacity in Riyadh: A GIS-Assisted Study
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      The Potential of Distributed Solar PV Capacity in Riyadh: A GIS-Assisted Study

      Abdelrahman Muhsen, Amro Elshurafa

      Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly referred to as distributed generation (DG) solar systems, can play a central role in the energy mix for sustainable cities. As with all forms of power generation, DG carries technical, financial, policy, and market…

      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      Amro Elshurafa Elshurafa, Amro
      1 October 2019
      The Upper Limit of Distributed Solar PV Capacity in Riyadh: A GIS-Assisted Study

      The Upper Limit of Distributed Solar PV Capacity in Riyadh: A GIS-Assisted Study


      Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly referred to as distributed generation (DG) solar systems, are deemed important contenders in future sustainable cities. Because deploying DG systems is associated with technical, financial, policy, and market implications that impact utilities, governments, and…

      Amro Elshurafa, Abdelrahman Muhsen

      Estimating Freight Transport Activity Using Nighttime Lights Satellite Data in China, India and Saudi Arabia
      Future of Transport and Fuel Demand

      Estimating Freight Transport Activity Using Nighttime Lights Satellite Data in China, India and Saudi Arabia

      Hector G. Lopez-Ruiz, Nora Nezamuddin, Abdelrahman Muhsen

      This paper focuses on the methodology for estimating total freight transport activity (FTA) for three countries  — China, India and Saudi Arabia  — with the objective of building on current state-of-the-art transportation modeling in three key areas: Studying the relationship…

      Hector G. Lopez-Ruiz Lopez-Ruiz, Hector G.
      Nora Nezamuddin Nezamuddin, Nora
      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      9 May 2019