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      The Unfolding Potential of GCC China Collaboration on Critical Minerals

      The Unfolding Potential of GCC China Collaboration on Critical Minerals

      Dongmei Chen, Jianping Ge, Yibo Wang, Ruihua Ren

      As a clean energy system begins to be implemented worldwide, the demand for critical minerals is expected to increase dramatically in the coming decades. Thus, demonstrating how mineral collaboration benefits the economy is key to building long-term supply resilience and…

      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Jianping Ge Jianping Ge
      Yibo Wang Yibo Wang
      Ruihua Ren Ruihua Ren
      15 October 2024
      What Innovations Are Chinese Electricity Startups Pursuing?
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      What Innovations Are Chinese Electricity Startups Pursuing?

      Rolando Fuentes, Dongmei Chen, Frank Felder

      We provide a snapshot of the innovations that Chinese electricity startups are pursuing and compare them with the innovation efforts of their worldwide and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) counterparts. We contrast types of innovation, technological domains and focuses on megatrends…

      Rolando Fuentes Fuentes, Rolando
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Frank Felder Felder, Frank
      13 June 2023
      Cost‒Benefit Analysis for Petrochemical Projects
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Cost‒Benefit Analysis for Petrochemical Projects

      Philipp Galkin, Dongmei Chen, Colin Ward

      Cost‒benefit analysis (CBA) has been used to assess investment projects for decades with the aim of quantifying their externalities and potential impacts on social welfare. However, the domain where CBA is applied has been primarily limited to direct public financing…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Colin Ward Ward, Colin
      14 May 2023
      The Implications for the Power Sector from Innovation by Startup Companies
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      The Implications for the Power Sector from Innovation by Startup Companies

      Rolando Fuentes, Dongmei Chen

      We compiled a multi-regional database of 320 startups from 36 countries whose focus is on new technologies in the electricity sector. To reach this number, we performed internet searches with neutral key words such as ‘startups,’ ‘electricity,’ ‘innovation,’ and avoided…

      Rolando Fuentes Fuentes, Rolando
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      25 May 2022
      Balancing China’s Energy Security and Its Transition to Carbon Neutrality
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Balancing China’s Energy Security and Its Transition to Carbon Neutrality

      Dongmei Chen, Mari Luomi

      At the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session held on September 20, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged that China would reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This is seen as a significant…

      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Mari Luomi Luomi, Mari
      10 April 2022
      Potential implications of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
      Climate Change Policies and Governance

      Potential implications of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

      Bertrand Rioux, Dongmei Chen

      From 2023 onward, the European Union’s (EU’s) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will require importers to declare the embedded carbon emissions of electricity, iron, steel, aluminum, cement and fertilizers. The CBAM will ultimately transition into a carbon import tax, with…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      22 March 2022
      China’s BRI and Saudi Vision 2030: A Review to Partnership for Sustainability

      China’s BRI and Saudi Vision 2030: A Review to Partnership for Sustainability

      Dongmei Chen

      This study reviews the comprehensive strategic partnership between Saudi Arabia and China and the interconnection between China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Saudi Vision 2030. These connections have significantly improved cooperation in trade, investment, energy and new technology development…

      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      24 October 2021
      The RCEP and its Potential Impact on Saudi Regional Exports
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      The RCEP and its Potential Impact on Saudi Regional Exports

      Philipp Galkin, Dongmei Chen

      On November 15, 2020, 10 Southeast Asian economies, joined by Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, formed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – the world’s largest trading bloc, representing about a third of the global economy (BBC…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      30 March 2021
      The Impact of the US-China Trade Dispute on the GCC

      The Impact of the US-China Trade Dispute on the GCC

      Dongmei Chen

      The trade dispute between the United States (U.S.) and China has escalated since March 2018. On March 22, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum directing the U.S. government’s response to the investigation on China’s economic activities, trade policies and practices…

      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      7 September 2020
      Bridging the Gaps and Mitigating the Risks: Tackling the Challenges of Sustainable Crossborder Energy Infrastructure Finance

      Bridging the Gaps and Mitigating the Risks: Tackling the Challenges of Sustainable Crossborder Energy Infrastructure Finance


      Efforts to integrate cross-border energy infrastructure and regional power markets have been gaining momentum worldwide. Such efforts have the potential of optimizing regional generation resources, delivering more variable renewable energy to the grid, and improving social equity through more reliable…

      Philipp Galkin, Dongmei Chen, Qiankun Wang, Xinyue Ma, Yongzhong Wang, Feng Zhou

      Fit-For-Purpose Energy Transition Strategies: Case Studies from G20 Members

      Fit-For-Purpose Energy Transition Strategies: Case Studies from G20 Members


      While the G7 is responsible for most anthropogenic climate change, the global climate challenge is being exacerbated as large populations in Asia and Africa move toward universal electricity and energy access that use large amounts of high carbon-emitting fossil fuels.…

      Majed A. Al Suwailem, Kaushik Deb, Shahad Turkistani, Kanako Tanaka, Dongmei Chen, Anupama Sen, Koichi Yamada

      Assessment of Coronavirus Effects on Oil Demand Implied by Price Elasticities

      Assessment of Coronavirus Effects on Oil Demand Implied by Price Elasticities

      Ronald Ripple, Dongmei Chen, Abdullah Aldayel, Hamid M. Al Sadoon

      There appears to be a significant response in the crude oil markets to the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has since spread globally. Many cities in Hubei, of which Wuhan is the capital, have been…

      Ronald Ripple Ripple, Ronald
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Abdullah Aldayel Aldayel, Abdullah
      Hamid M. Al Sadoon Al Sadoon, Hamid M.
      20 February 2020
      China’s Energy Investment Through the Lens of the Belt and Road Initiative
      Regional Energy Markets

      China’s Energy Investment Through the Lens of the Belt and Road Initiative

      Philipp Galkin, Dongmei Chen, Junyuang Ke

      The Chinese government launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 as a vision to promote growth and cooperation among the economies of Asia and Europe. Over the five years since its inception, the BRI has expanded in both…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Junyuang Ke Ke, Junyuang
      12 January 2020