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      Saudi Arabia’s Revealed Comparative Advantage in Non-Oil Exports
      Models, Data and Tools

      Saudi Arabia’s Revealed Comparative Advantage in Non-Oil Exports

      Muhammad Javid, Abdulelah Darandary

      The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) is based on Ricardian trade theory, which postulates that trade flows between countries are determined by their relative productivity differences. The RCA index provides a general indication and a first approximation of a country’s competitive…

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      25 March 2024
      Interfuel Substitution in the Industrial Sector in Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Interfuel Substitution in the Industrial Sector in Saudi Arabia

      Muhammad Javid

      The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has taken many decisive steps toward a more sustainable future, in line with its Vision 2030, including the use of clean energy, offsetting of emissions, and protection of the environment. In this context, Saudi Arabia…

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      23 October 2023
      The Role of Petrochemical Sector Exports in the Diversification of the Saudi Economy: A Scenario Analysis of Foreign and Domestic Price Shocks
      Models, Data and Tools

      The Role of Petrochemical Sector Exports in the Diversification of the Saudi Economy: A Scenario Analysis of Foreign and Domestic Price Shocks

      Fakhri Hasanov, Muhammad Javid, Heyran Aliyeva

      Diversification of the economy, including exports, is a core goal of Saudi Vision 2030 (SV2030). The petrochemical sector can considerably contribute to the Kingdom’s diversification strategy, as it holds a substantial share in non-oil exports. First, this study econometrically estimated…

      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Heyran Aliyeva Heyran Aliyeva
      22 October 2023
      Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of the Natural Gas Price: Policy Insights from a Macroeconometric Model
      Models, Data and Tools

      Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of the Natural Gas Price: Policy Insights from a Macroeconometric Model

      Fakhri Hasanov, Muhammad Javid, Jeyhun Mikayilov, Rami Shabaneh, Abdulelah Darandary, Ryan Alyamani

      Macroeconomic and sectoral assessment of the energy price reform (EPR) can provide policymakers with useful insights regarding price deregulation options. A key feature of this research that differentiates it from many other studies is its modeling framework. The framework first…

      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Rami Shabaneh Shabaneh, Rami
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Ryan Alyamani Alyamani, Ryan
      10 May 2023
      A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia: A Case Study on the World’s Largest Oil Exporter

      A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia: A Case Study on the World’s Largest Oil Exporter

      Muhammad Javid, Jeyhun Mikayilov, Fakhri Hasanov, Fred Joutz

      Open Access Brief Introduces the KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia Combines cutting-edge econometric methods, a well-established theoretical foundation, and empirical coherence Customizable for different research and policy questions   Click here to read the book

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Fred Joutz Joutz, Fred
      1 January 2023
      A Remaining Piece of the COVID-19 Puzzle: Saudi Arabia’s Remittances Account
      Models, Data and Tools

      A Remaining Piece of the COVID-19 Puzzle: Saudi Arabia’s Remittances Account

      Abdulelah Darandary, Muhammad Javid, Maria Alkhamees

      It has been two years since the beginning of COVID-19, a one-of-a-kind crisis in recent history. The global economy was disrupted entirely in a few months and most economies faced shutdowns. While many disruptions can be explained, especially the economic…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Maria Alkhamees Maria Alkhamees
      30 May 2022
      Determinants of Remittance Outflows: The Case of Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Determinants of Remittance Outflows: The Case of Saudi Arabia

      Muhammad Javid, Fakhri Hasanov

      International labor migration has played a key role in the development of both advanced and developing countries. Many developing countries in Asia have relied on labor migration, mainly to the oil-rich Gulf region, to reduce both unemployment and poverty (Naseem…

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      22 May 2022
      Modeling and Forecasting Industrial Electricity Demand for Saudi Arabia: Uncovering Regional Characteristics

      Modeling and Forecasting Industrial Electricity Demand for Saudi Arabia: Uncovering Regional Characteristics

      Jeyhun Mikayilov, Ryan Alyamani, Abdulelah Darandary, Muhammad Javid, Fakhri Hasanov, Saleh T. AlTurki, Rey B. Arnaiz

      The objective of this study is to investigate Saudi Arabia’s industrial electricity consumption at the regional level. We apply structural time series modeling to annual data over the period of 1990 to 2019. In addition to estimating the size and…

      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Ryan Alyamani Alyamani, Ryan
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Saleh T. AlTurki Saleh T. AlTurki
      Rey B. Arnaiz Rey B. Arnaiz
      13 January 2022
      Sectoral Investment Analysis for Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Sectoral Investment Analysis for Saudi Arabia

      Muhammad Javid, Fakhri Hasanov, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Marzio Galeotti

      This study aims to investigate the determinants of short- and long-run investment behavior in Saudi Arabia for eight non-oil sectors. Saudi Arabia is currently proceeding with its historic Vision 2030 reform plan, which aims to significantly increase the private sector’s…

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Carlo Andrea Bollino Bollino, Carlo Andrea
      Marzio Galeotti Galeotti, Marzio
      24 August 2021
      Modeling Sectoral Employment in Saudi Arabia

      Modeling Sectoral Employment in Saudi Arabia

      Fakhri Hasanov, Jeyhun Mikayilov, Moayad H. Al-Rassasi, Mohammed Al-Abdullah, Fred Joutz, Muhammad Javid

      Achieving the desired level of employment is central to macroeconomic policy. Regulators should have a better understanding of employment dynamics in order to design appropriate policies and test their impact. Healthy employment levels not only benefit household income and the production factor of firms, but also…

      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Moayad H. Al-Rassasi Moayad H. Al-Rassasi
      Mohammed Al-Abdullah Mohammed Al-Abdullah
      Fred Joutz Joutz, Fred
      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad