1015 Results

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      Impacts of Regional Electricity Demand in Saudi Arabia A Study of the Government Sector
      Models, Data and Tools

      Impacts of Regional Electricity Demand in Saudi Arabia A Study of the Government Sector

      Jeyhun Mikayilov, Abeer AlGhamdi

      This research presents a comprehensive analysis of electricity demand factors in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the government sector across different regions. The findings of the paper are summarized as follows:The findings show that income significantly impacts government sector electricity demand…

      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Abeer AlGhamdi AlGhamdi, Abeer
      05 June 2024
      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation

      Fatih Karanfil, Axel Pierru

      The selection of welfare-enhancing projects necessitates the determination of the present value of cash flows from a public policy perspective. For an oil-exporting economy, the domestic energy transition often implies displacing oil from domestic consumption. Economic dependence on oil affects…

      Fatih Karanfil Karanfil, Fatih
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      05 June 2024
      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms

      Sage Journals

      We assess the extent to which the implementation of Vision 2030 policies enhances the Saudi economy’s resilience to oil shocks. Using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that captures the country’s economic diversification policies, we build a resilience index based…

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, Baltasar Manzano, Marzio Galeotti

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, James L. Smith

      This paper examines the type and quality of information that OPEC needs to stabilize the oil market. We extend our previous structural model, in which OPEC makes potential mistakes in judging the size of market shocks, to now include the…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      James L. Smith James L. Smith
      28 May 2024
      How the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act Supports Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Buildings
      Climate Change Policies and Governance

      How the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act Supports Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Buildings

      Fateh Belaïd, Mahelet G. Fikru

      The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) recognizes that buildings account for a significant share of U.S. energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To address this issue, the IRA includes a range of policies and programs to make energy efficiency and…

      Fateh Belaïd Belaïd, Fateh
      Mahelet G. Fikru Mahelet G. Fikru
      27 May 2024
      Toward Just Transitions in the MENA Region: Insights from the 2022 Circular Carbon Economy Index
      Climate Change Policies and Governance

      Toward Just Transitions in the MENA Region: Insights from the 2022 Circular Carbon Economy Index

      Fatih Yılmaz, Mari Luomi, Laura El-Katiri

      In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that any major effort to reduce emissions will require a whole-of-society approach that brings along people equally within and across countries. As a sign of this notion entering the “mainstream” of global…

      Fatih Yılmaz Yılmaz, Fatih
      Mari Luomi Luomi, Mari
      Laura El-Katiri Laura El-Katiri
      23 May 2024
      Forecasting Saudi Arabia’s Non-Oil GDP Using a Bayesian Mixed Frequency VAR
      Energy and Economic Vulnerability

      Forecasting Saudi Arabia’s Non-Oil GDP Using a Bayesian Mixed Frequency VAR

      Jeremy Rothfield, Mansour Al Rajhi

      Bayesian vector autoregressions have been used by central banks to prepare short-term projections of quarterly GDP and other macroeconomic variables (Dieppe et al. 2016; Schorfheide and Song 2015). The Bayesian approach offers the advantage that a researcher can use a…

      Jeremy Rothfield Jeremy Rothfield
      Mansour Al Rajhi Mansour Al Rajhi
      23 May 2024
      KAPSARC Oil Market Outlook
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      KAPSARC Oil Market Outlook

      This quarter’s highlights include an oil demand quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) growth of 940 Kb/d following last quarter’s declines. While the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries witnessed a QoQ decline of roughly 700 thousand barrels per day (Kb/d) last…

      14 May 2024
      Smart Energy-Saving Technologies and Their Potential Application in Buildings Lessons for Saudi Arabia
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Smart Energy-Saving Technologies and Their Potential Application in Buildings Lessons for Saudi Arabia

      Fateh Belaïd, Fatimah Alsunbul, Mohammad Aldubyan

      The increasing demand for energy in our modern world has led to a critical need to conserve energy resources. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts that under the 1.5°C scenario, electricity will be the primary energy carrier in the…

      Fateh Belaïd Belaïd, Fateh
      Fatimah Alsunbul Fatimah Alsunbul
      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      12 May 2024
      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      Nader AlKathiri, Abdulelah Darandary

      Using a sample of 94 countries, we analyze the contribution of energy to cross-country economic growth and convergence since 1980. By extending the traditional frontier approach to include energy as an additional factor of production, we decompose economic growth into…

      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      12 May 2024
      Projecting Global Oil Demand for the Buildings Sector
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      Projecting Global Oil Demand for the Buildings Sector

      Fateh Belaïd, Mohammad Aldubyan

      As one of the largest consumers of energy resources, the building sector plays a key role in the evolution of the global energy landscape. Buildings account for approximately one-third of the world’s final energy consumption. This methodology paper aims to provide…

      Fateh Belaïd Belaïd, Fateh
      Mohammad Aldubyan Aldubyan, Mohammad
      06 May 2024
      Assessment of the Potential of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines in the Red Sea
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      Assessment of the Potential of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines in the Red Sea

      Ahmed Al-Balawi, Nora Nezamuddin, Frank Felder, Abdelrahman Muhsen, Amro Elshurafa

      Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) have recently gained traction and are being installed in several regions of Europe and Asia. These turbines use the same technology as typical offshore wind turbines but are not directly anchored to the seabed. Instead,…

      Ahmed Al-Balawi Ahmed Al-Balawi
      Nora Nezamuddin Nezamuddin, Nora
      Frank Felder Felder, Frank
      Abdelrahman Muhsen Muhsen, Abdelrahman
      Amro Elshurafa Elshurafa, Amro
      05 May 2024