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      Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation Capability: The Mediating Role of Absorptive Capability and Organizational Learning Capabilities

      Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation Capability: The Mediating Role of Absorptive Capability and Organizational Learning Capabilities


      Learning and knowledge creation are acknowledged as crucial drivers associated with entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and innovation capability (IC). Absorptive capacity (AC) harmonizes internal innovation-building activities with external opportunities, while organizational learning capabilities (OLC) foster entrepreneurial cognitive skills and innovation capabilities.…

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      Renewable Energy in the MENA Region: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned

      Renewable Energy in the MENA Region: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned

      فاتح بلعيد, الياس بوكرامي, رزان أمين

      Many pieces of evidence showing that investments in energy transition can boost GDP and create jobs. Further, national and regional energy transitions can help build resilient economies and societies. Therefore, linking short-term actions to medium- and long-term strategies is vital…

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      الياس بوكرامي الياس بوكرامي
      رزان أمين رزان أمين
      22 أبريل 2021
      In Eco-Design of Buildings and Infrastructure

      In Eco-Design of Buildings and Infrastructure

      فاتح بلعيد, جان بيير ليفي

      This chapter looks at different models and approaches concerning the energy consumption of households and buildings. The modelling of building energy consumption falls completely within this context. The field of building energy consumption modelling is therefore vast, diverse and involves…

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      جان بيير ليفي جان بيير ليفي
      1 يناير 2021
      Why Should Saudi Arabia Diversify Its Economy?

      Why Should Saudi Arabia Diversify Its Economy?

      فاتح بلعيد, شيكوفيه فرهمند, ناتالي حلمي

      Climate change is a global issue. According to an IPCC special report (IPCC, Global warming of 1.5 °C. An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission…

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      شيكوفيه فرهمند شيكوفيه فرهمند
      ناتالي حلمي ناتالي حلمي
      21 أكتوبر 2020