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      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Energy Transition in Oil-Dependent Economies: Public Discount Rates for Investment Project Evaluation

      Fatih Karanfil, Axel Pierru

      The selection of welfare-enhancing projects necessitates the determination of the present value of cash flows from a public policy perspective. For an oil-exporting economy, the domestic energy transition often implies displacing oil from domestic consumption. Economic dependence on oil affects…

      Fatih Karanfil Karanfil, Fatih
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      05 June 2024
      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms

      Sage Journals

      We assess the extent to which the implementation of Vision 2030 policies enhances the Saudi economy’s resilience to oil shocks. Using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that captures the country’s economic diversification policies, we build a resilience index based…

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, Baltasar Manzano, Marzio Galeotti

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Managing the Oil Market Under Misinformation: A Reasonable Quest?

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, James L. Smith

      This paper examines the type and quality of information that OPEC needs to stabilize the oil market. We extend our previous structural model, in which OPEC makes potential mistakes in judging the size of market shocks, to now include the…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      James L. Smith James L. Smith
      28 May 2024
      Will Government Support for CCS-EOR Lead to Reduced Emissions?
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Will Government Support for CCS-EOR Lead to Reduced Emissions?

      Axel Pierru, Hossa Almutairi

      Government support for CCS-EOR projects is often contested on the grounds that the resulting increase in oil production undermines their environmental benefits. This paper summarizes a simple approach based on a marginal reasoning consistent with economic decision-making. It produces analytical…

      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      14 December 2023
      Assessing Climate Mitigation Benefits of Public Support to CCS-EOR: An Economic Analysis
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Assessing Climate Mitigation Benefits of Public Support to CCS-EOR: An Economic Analysis

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru

      Government support for CCS-EOR projects is sometimes contested on the grounds that the resulting increase in oil production undermines their environmental benefits. Addressing this concern requires determining the effects of implementing CCS-EOR on global CO2 emissions. This paper presents a…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      8 June 2023
      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms
      Evaluation of Public Investment Projects

      Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s Economy to Oil Shocks: Effects of Economic Reforms

      Hossa Almutairi, Marzio Galeotti, Baltasar Manzano, Axel Pierru

      We assess the extent to which the implementation of Saudi Vision 2030 policies enhances the Saudi economy’s resilience to oil price and production shocks, and to the productivity of tradable and non-tradable goods. We extend Blazquez et al.’s (2021) dynamic…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Marzio Galeotti Galeotti, Marzio
      Baltasar Manzano Manzano, Baltasar
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      23 September 2022
      Modeling World Oil Market Questions: An Economic Perspective

      Modeling World Oil Market Questions: An Economic Perspective

      Science Direct

      The choice of a modeling approach is driven by the oil policy or market question that needs to be addressed. We provide the non-modeling community with insightful information on oil market models, shedding light on the economic interpretation of technical…

      Olivier Durand-Lasserve, Axel Pierru

      The Value of Opec’s Spare Capacity to the Oil Market and Global Economy

      The Value of Opec’s Spare Capacity to the Oil Market and Global Economy

      Wiley Online Library

      We investigate the extent to which OPEC has succeeded in its self‐stated mission of stabilising the oil market and the implications for the world’s economy. We discuss the modelling framework developed by Pierru, Smith and Zamrik (2018) and Pierru, Smith…

      Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru, James L. Smith

      Sectoral and Economy-Wide Effects of Domestic Energy Price Reforms in Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Sectoral and Economy-Wide Effects of Domestic Energy Price Reforms in Saudi Arabia

      Olivier Durand-Lasserve, Hossa Almutairi, Abdullah AlJarboua, Frederic Murphy, Shreekar Pradhan, Axel Pierru

      This paper simulates the sectoral and economy-wide consequences of deregulating energy prices in Saudi Arabia. Our analysis is based on KAPSARC’s general equilibrium energy model (KEMGE), a new hybrid computable general equilibrium model (CGE). The model examines the effects of…

      Olivier Durand-Lasserve Durand-Lasserve, Olivier
      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Abdullah AlJarboua AlJarboua, Abdullah
      Frederic Murphy Murphy, Frederic
      Shreekar Pradhan Pradhan, Shreekar
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      19 August 2020
      Cooperate or Compete? Insights from Simulating a Global Oil Market with No Residual Supplier
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      Cooperate or Compete? Insights from Simulating a Global Oil Market with No Residual Supplier

      Bertrand Rioux, Abdullah AlJarboua, Fatih Karanfil, Axel Pierru, Shahd Alrashed, Colin Ward

      Structural changes in the global oil sector are disrupting conventional market dynamics and the roles played by competing and cooperating producers. Industry players are adjusting to the shale (or ‘tight’) oil revolution and the possibility of plateauing or peaking global…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Abdullah AlJarboua AlJarboua, Abdullah
      Fatih Karanfil Karanfil, Fatih
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Shahd Alrashed Alrashed, Shahd
      Colin Ward Ward, Colin
      6 August 2020
      Promoting Energy Market Stability in a Transitioning World

      Promoting Energy Market Stability in a Transitioning World


      Stability in international energy markets is critical for promoting adequate investment in infrastructure so that economic activity can be sustained, in order to provide pathways for growth and improvement in welfare. In light of recent global events and the varied…

      Kenneth Medlock III, Axel Pierru, Hossa Almutairi

      Simulating a Global Oil Market With No Residual Supplier
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      Simulating a Global Oil Market With No Residual Supplier

      Bertrand Rioux, Abdullah AlJarboua, Fatih Karanfil, Axel Pierru, Shahd Alrashed, Colin Ward

      Motivation and objective of the study What if OPEC decided to abandon organizing residual production collectively, transitioning the world permanently to a competitive oil market? This commentary is based on a forthcoming KAPSARC paper, “Cooperate or Compete? Insights from Simulating…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Abdullah AlJarboua AlJarboua, Abdullah
      Fatih Karanfil Karanfil, Fatih
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Shahd Alrashed Alrashed, Shahd
      Colin Ward Ward, Colin
      16 July 2020
      OPEC’s Pursuit of Market Stability

      OPEC’s Pursuit of Market Stability


      We investigate attempts by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to stabilize the price of oil during the past fifty years. We first develop a novel decomposition of shifts in global demand and non-OPEC supply. This decomposition provides a…

      Axel Pierru, James L. Smith, Hossa Almutairi

      Analyzing the Effects of Saudi Arabia’s Economic Reforms Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
      Models, Data and Tools

      Analyzing the Effects of Saudi Arabia’s Economic Reforms Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model

      Jorge Blazquez, Marzio Galeotti, Baltasar Manzano, Axel Pierru, Shreekar Pradhan

      Saudi Arabia is the world’s second-largest holder of proved oil reserves and the second-largest producer of petroleum liquids. The country is the largest exporter of crude oil, with a share of 16% of total crude oil exports in 2017. Saudi Arabia’s…

      Jorge Blazquez Blazquez, Jorge
      Marzio Galeotti Galeotti, Marzio
      Baltasar Manzano Manzano, Baltasar
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Shreekar Pradhan Pradhan, Shreekar
      21 May 2020