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      China’s Energy Investment Through the Lens of the Belt and Road Initiative
      Regional Energy Markets

      China’s Energy Investment Through the Lens of the Belt and Road Initiative

      Philipp Galkin, Dongmei Chen, Junyuang Ke

      The Chinese government launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 as a vision to promote growth and cooperation among the economies of Asia and Europe. Over the five years since its inception, the BRI has expanded in both…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Dongmei Chen Chen, Dongmei
      Junyuang Ke Ke, Junyuang
      12 January 2020
      An Economic Analysis of China’s Domestic Crude Oil Supply Policies
      Models, Data and Tools

      An Economic Analysis of China’s Domestic Crude Oil Supply Policies

      Bertrand Rioux, Philipp Galkin, Kang Wu

      China’s domestic oil production has lagged the rapid growth in the country’s oil consumption since 2000, leading to a large, and growing, reliance on crude imports to meet demand. Factors including China’s current market structure and regulatory environment impede further…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Kang Wu Wu, Kang
      28 May 2019
      Balancing Energy Security Priorities: A Portfolio Optimization Approach to Oil Imports
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      Balancing Energy Security Priorities: A Portfolio Optimization Approach to Oil Imports

      Philipp Galkin, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Simona Bigerna

      The idea of energy security emerged after the energy crises of the 1970s. It has evolved from the initial paradigm of assuring sufficient energy supplies to include a price affordability perspective and, eventually, many other energy-related issues, such as infrastructure,…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Carlo Andrea Bollino Bollino, Carlo Andrea
      Simona Bigerna Bigerna, Simona
      28 May 2019
      The Economic Impact of Price Controls on China’s Natural Gas Supply Chain

      The Economic Impact of Price Controls on China’s Natural Gas Supply Chain

      Science Direct

      Despite significant progress made by China in liberalizing its natural gas market, certain key areas such as market access and pricing mechanisms remain controlled by the government.

      Axel Pierru, Kang Wu, Frederic Murphy, Philipp Galkin, Bertrand Rioux, Yan Li, Artem Malov, Felipe Feijoo

      An Estimation of the Drivers Behind OPEC’s Quota Decisions
      Future of Global Oil Markets

      An Estimation of the Drivers Behind OPEC’s Quota Decisions

      Philipp Galkin, Tarek Atalla, Zhongyuan Ren

      This paper identifies key determinants that appear to shape OPEC’s quota strategy and implementation. Using econometric estimations, it examines the factors that seem to most influence members’ adherence to their production commitments in the short term and what drives the…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Tarek Atalla Atalla, Tarek
      Ren, Zhongyuan
      19 July 2018
      Potential Effects of Trade Liberalization on China’s Imports of Plastics From the GCC
      Regional Energy Markets

      Potential Effects of Trade Liberalization on China’s Imports of Plastics From the GCC

      Philipp Galkin, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Rami Shabaneh

      Petrochemical products, particularly plastics, contribute to a significant share of expanding and increasingly diverse trade flows between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and China. The petrochemical sector could benefit from a preferential bilateral trade regime between China and the…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Carlo Andrea Bollino Bollino, Carlo Andrea
      Rami Shabaneh Shabaneh, Rami
      4 June 2018
      Unintended consequences of China’s coal capacity cut policy

      Unintended consequences of China’s coal capacity cut policy

      Energy Policy

      In early 2016, China introduced additional capacity cut policies to rebalance supply in the coal market to match demand that had been reduced by slow economic growth and strict environmental regulation. Ensuing disruptions to the coal market caused these policies…

      Bertrand Rioux, Philipp Galkin

      The Economic Impact of Price Controls on China’s Natural Gas Supply Chain
      Regional Energy Markets

      The Economic Impact of Price Controls on China’s Natural Gas Supply Chain

      Bertrand Rioux, Philipp Galkin, Frederic Murphy, Axel Pierru, Kang Wu

      Despite significant progress made by China in liberalizing its natural gas market, certain key areas such as market access and pricing mechanisms remain heavily monopolized or controlled by the government. To assess how such distortions impact the market, we developed…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Frederic Murphy Murphy, Frederic
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Kang Wu Wu, Kang
      24 May 2018
      Economic impacts of debottlenecking congestion in the Chinese coal supply chain

      Economic impacts of debottlenecking congestion in the Chinese coal supply chain

      Energy Economics

      The fast pace of development in China’s coal industry created bottlenecks in its transportation infrastructure. These bottlenecks likely affected not only China’s domestic coal market, but also global coal markets. In this paper, we estimate the costs and consequences of…

      Bertrand Rioux, Philipp Galkin, Frederic Murphy, Axel Pierru

      Potential Gains From Reforming Price Caps in China’s Power Sector
      Electricity Sector Transitions

      Potential Gains From Reforming Price Caps in China’s Power Sector

      Bertrand Rioux, Philipp Galkin, Axel Pierru, Frederic Murphy

      When energy sectors transition from government-controlled to market-driven systems, the legacy regulatory instruments can create unintended market distortions and lead to higher costs. In China, the most notable regulatory throwback is ceilings on electricity prices that generators can charge utilities,…

      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Frederic Murphy Murphy, Frederic
      29 September 2016
      Economic Impacts of Debottlenecking Congestion in the Chinese Coal Supply Chain
      Regional Energy Markets

      Economic Impacts of Debottlenecking Congestion in the Chinese Coal Supply Chain

      Philipp Galkin, Frederic Murphy, Axel Pierru, Bertrand Rioux

      China’s coal industry grew at unprecedented rates during the first decade of the 2000s in order to support equally unprecedented economic growth. In that type of environment, it is impossible for the capacities of every link in the supply chain…

      Philipp Galkin Galkin, Philipp
      Frederic Murphy Murphy, Frederic
      Axel Pierru Pierru, Axel
      Bertrand Rioux Rioux, Bertrand
      7 September 2015