Socio-economic acceptability for smart grid development – A comprehensive review Journal of Cleaner Production Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Italian youngsters’ perceptions of alternative fuel vehicles: a fuzzy-set approach Special Issue GIKA 2016, Journal of Business Research Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Demand Market Power and Renewables in the Italian Electricity Market Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
A System of Hourly Demand In The Italian Electricity Market The Energy Journal Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Ramsey Prices in the Italian Electricity Market, Special Issue “Energy markets and policy implications” Energy Policy Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Marginal cost and congestion in the Italian electricity market: an indirect estimation approach Energy Policy Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Costs assessments of European Environmental Policies, Special Issue: “OR in Energy Modeling and Management” Computers & Operations Research Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Electricity Demand in Wholesale Italian Market The Energy Journal Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Future Business Models for Power Markets: What can We Learn from the ‘Sharing Economy’? Oxford Energy Forum Rolando Fuentes, Tarek Atalla, Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino