40 Results

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      Does the Income Elasticity of Energy Demand Vary with the Stages of Economic Development?

      Does the Income Elasticity of Energy Demand Vary with the Stages of Economic Development?

      Nader AlKathiri, Abdulelah Darandary, Jeyhun Mikayilov

      This paper revisits the empirical evidence on the income elasticity of energy demand by investigating whether it varies with the level of economic development. Our analysis, based on a sample of 111 countries spanning three decades, reveals that the elasticity…

      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      12 January 2025
      Behavioral Changes in Household Electricity Consumption from 2015 to 2022

      Behavioral Changes in Household Electricity Consumption from 2015 to 2022

      Abdulelah Darandary, Nader AlKathiri

      Analyzing the distribution of electricity consumption provides a clearer picture of distinct household segments and their behaviors. This approach allows us to identify clusters of low, moderate, and high consumers, offering insight into usage patterns. Such granularity can guide targeted…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      02 December 2024
      Nudging Toward Sustainability: Behavioral Interventions in Saudi Arabia’s Residential Electricity Consumption

      Nudging Toward Sustainability: Behavioral Interventions in Saudi Arabia’s Residential Electricity Consumption

      Abdulelah Darandary, Hossa Almutairi

      Residential energy consumption is responsible for significant global energy consumption and associated emissions. As a result, households are a prime focus for behavior-modifying interventions. Household energy conservation can be achieved through changes in consumption patterns and investments in energy-efficient products,…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      08 July 2024
      Decarbonizing Saudi Arabia’s Residential Sector: Designing Behavioral Interventions for Efficient and Sustainable Energy Consumption
      Models, Data and Tools

      Decarbonizing Saudi Arabia’s Residential Sector: Designing Behavioral Interventions for Efficient and Sustainable Energy Consumption

      Hossa Almutairi, Fateh Belaïd, Abdulelah Darandary

      There is a consensus in the literature regarding the significant role of behavioral change in reducing the level of residential energy consumption. However, there is an ongoing debate concerning the most effective mechanisms and instruments with which to promote energy-efficient…

      Hossa Almutairi Almutairi, Hossa
      Fateh Belaïd Belaïd, Fateh
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      24 June 2024
      Projecting Saudi Arabia’s CO2 Dynamic Baselines to 2060: A Multivariate Approach
      Models, Data and Tools

      Projecting Saudi Arabia’s CO2 Dynamic Baselines to 2060: A Multivariate Approach

      The Energy Journal

      Using an econometric model, we generate scenario projections of CO2 emissions under different sets of assumptions on the underlying drivers. These drivers include GDP, the energy price, economic structure, and the underlying emissions trend. Our baseline scenario projects that Saudi…

      Abdulelah Darandary, Anwar Gasim, Lester C. Hunt, Jeyhun Mikayilov

      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      The Contribution of Energy to Economic Growth and Convergence

      Nader AlKathiri, Abdulelah Darandary

      Using a sample of 94 countries, we analyze the contribution of energy to cross-country economic growth and convergence since 1980. By extending the traditional frontier approach to include energy as an additional factor of production, we decompose economic growth into…

      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      12 May 2024
      Saudi Arabia’s Revealed Comparative Advantage in Non-Oil Exports
      Models, Data and Tools

      Saudi Arabia’s Revealed Comparative Advantage in Non-Oil Exports

      Muhammad Javid, Abdulelah Darandary

      The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) is based on Ricardian trade theory, which postulates that trade flows between countries are determined by their relative productivity differences. The RCA index provides a general indication and a first approximation of a country’s competitive…

      Muhammad Javid Javid, Muhammad
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      25 March 2024
      Economic Growth and Convergence: Implications of Energy Transition Pathways

      Economic Growth and Convergence: Implications of Energy Transition Pathways

      Nader AlKathiri, Abdulelah Darandary

      The 44th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) conference was held in Riyadh, co-hosted by KAPSARC and the Saudi Association for Energy Economics (SAEE). It was the first IAEE conference in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The…

      Nader AlKathiri AlKathiri, Nader
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      17 January 2024
      Saudi Arabia’s High Borrowing Rates and Surging Deposits
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Saudi Arabia’s High Borrowing Rates and Surging Deposits

      Abdulelah Darandary

      This data insight visualizes the relationships between higher interest rates, deposit trends, and their impact on liquidity and saving behavior in the financial system. The three key points discussed are as follows: The Influence of Higher Interest Rates on Liquidity:…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      14 December 2023
      The Role of Financial Development in Private Sector Growth in Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      The Role of Financial Development in Private Sector Growth in Saudi Arabia

      Fakhri Hasanov, Abdulelah Darandary, Ryan Alyamani

      Saudi Vision 2030 (SV2030), the masterplan for the socioeconomic development of the Kingdom, places considerable emphasis on the development of the private sector in the diversification of the economy. This plan aims to have the private sector account for 65%…

      Fakhri Hasanov Hasanov, Fakhri
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Ryan Alyamani Alyamani, Ryan
      11 December 2023
      Saudi Arabia’s Input-Output Table: Computing Type I Multiplier
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Saudi Arabia’s Input-Output Table: Computing Type I Multiplier

      Abdulelah Darandary, Jeremy Rothfield

      The General Authority of Statistics of Saudi Arabia has released the input-output tables this year for 2018, 2019, and 2020 (GaStat, 2022). These releases have extended the number of sectors representing the Saudi Arabian economy to 20 from the 13…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Jeremy Rothfield Rothfield, Jeremy
      5 September 2023
      Aggregate Real Energy Price Index
      Productivity and Economic Diversification

      Aggregate Real Energy Price Index

      Abdulelah Darandary, Anwar Gasim

      Our aggregate real energy index is constructed in two steps. First, sectoral energy prices are obtained from Hasanov et al (2020). Second, the index is constructed by calculating a weighted average of these sectoral energy prices, in which the weight…

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Anwar Gasim Gasim, Anwar
      5 September 2023
      Humidity Adjusted Cooling and Heating Degree Days in Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Humidity Adjusted Cooling and Heating Degree Days in Saudi Arabia

      Abdulelah Darandary, Jeyhun Mikayilov

      This data insight calculates the humidity-adjusted Cooling and Heating Degree Days for Saudi Arabia. This dataset can be used by researchers who model residential electricity demand, energy efficiency studies, and policymakers to base their potential policy scenarios on weather conditions.

      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      19 July 2023
      Modeling and Projecting Regional Electricity Demand for Saudi Arabia
      Models, Data and Tools

      Modeling and Projecting Regional Electricity Demand for Saudi Arabia

      Jeyhun Mikayilov, Abdulelah Darandary

      This paper utilizes a structural time series approach to model Saudi Arabia’s regional electricity demand, capturing undetected forces of variability in the data-generating process that include improvements in technology, energy-saving behavior, and other underlying trends that are excluded under conventional…

      Jeyhun Mikayilov Mikayilov, Jeyhun
      Abdulelah Darandary Darandary, Abdulelah
      05 June 2023